Source code for pypianoroll.multitrack

"""Class for multitrack piano rolls.


- Multitrack



from typing import List, Sequence, TypeVar

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from numpy import ndarray

from .outputs import save, to_pretty_midi, write
from .track import BinaryTrack, StandardTrack, Track
from .visualization import plot_multitrack

__all__ = [


MultitrackType = TypeVar("MultitrackType", bound="Multitrack")

[docs]class Multitrack: """A container for multitrack piano rolls. This is the core class of Pypianoroll. A Multitrack object can be constructed in the following ways. - :meth:`pypianoroll.Multitrack`: Construct by setting values for attributes - :meth:``: Read from a MIDI file - :meth:`pypianoroll.from_pretty_midi`: Convert from a :class:`pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI` object - :func:`pypianoroll.load`: Load from a JSON or a YAML file saved by :func:`` Attributes ---------- name : str, optional Multitrack name. resolution : int, default: `pypianoroll.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION` (24) Time steps per quarter note. tempo : ndarray, dtype=float, shape=(?, 1), optional Tempo (in qpm) at each time step. Length is the total number of time steps. Cast to float if not of float type. beat : ndarray, dtype=bool, shape=(?, 1), optional A boolean array that indicates whether the time step contains a beat. Length is the total number of time steps. Cast to bool if not of bool type. downbeat : ndarray, dtype=bool, shape=(?, 1), optional A boolean array that indicates whether the time step contains a downbeat, i.e., the first time step of a measure. Length is the total number of time steps. Cast to bool if not of bool type. tracks : sequence of :class:`pypianoroll.Track`, default: [] Music tracks. """ def __init__( self, name: str = None, resolution: int = None, tempo: ndarray = None, beat: ndarray = None, downbeat: ndarray = None, tracks: Sequence[Track] = None, ): = name if resolution is not None: self.resolution = resolution else: self.resolution = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION if tempo is None: self.tempo = None elif np.issubdtype(tempo.dtype, np.floating): self.tempo = tempo else: self.tempo = np.asarray(tempo).astype(float) if beat is None: self.beat = None elif beat.dtype == np.bool_: self.beat = beat else: self.beat = np.asarray(beat).astype(bool) if downbeat is None: self.downbeat = None elif downbeat.dtype == np.bool_: self.downbeat = downbeat else: self.downbeat = np.asarray(downbeat).astype(bool) if tracks is None: self.tracks = [] elif isinstance(tracks, list): self.tracks = tracks else: self.tracks = list(tracks) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.tracks) def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> Track: return self.tracks[key] def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: Track): self.tracks[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key: int): del self.tracks[key] def __repr__(self) -> str: to_join = [ f"name={repr(}", f"resolution={repr(self.resolution)}", ] if self.tempo is not None: to_join.append( f"tempo=array(shape={self.tempo.shape}, " f"dtype={self.tempo.dtype})" ) if self.beat is not None: to_join.append( f"beat=array(shape={self.beat.shape}, dtype={self.beat.dtype})" ) if self.downbeat is not None: to_join.append( f"downbeat=array(shape={self.downbeat.shape}, " f"dtype={self.downbeat.dtype})" ) to_join.append(f"tracks={repr(self.tracks)}") return f"Multitrack({', '.join(to_join)})" def _validate_type(self, attr): if getattr(self, attr) is None: if attr == "resolution": raise TypeError(f"`{attr}` must not be None.") return if attr == "name": if not isinstance(, str): raise TypeError( "`name` must be of type str, but got type " f"{type(}." ) elif attr == "resolution": if not isinstance(self.resolution, int): raise TypeError( "`resolution` must be of type int, but got " f"{type(self.resolution)}." ) elif attr == "tempo": if not isinstance(self.tempo, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("`tempo` must be a NumPy array.") if not np.issubdtype(self.tempo.dtype, np.number): raise TypeError( "`tempo` must be of data type numpy.number, but got data " f"type {self.tempo.dtype}." ) elif attr == "beat": if not isinstance(self.beat, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("`beat` must be a NumPy array.") if not np.issubdtype(self.beat.dtype, np.bool_): raise TypeError( "`beat` must be of data type bool, but got data type" f"{self.beat.dtype}." ) elif attr == "downbeat": if not isinstance(self.downbeat, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("`downbeat` must be a NumPy array.") if not np.issubdtype(self.downbeat.dtype, np.bool_): raise TypeError( "`downbeat` must be of data type bool, but got data type" f"{self.downbeat.dtype}." ) elif attr == "tracks": for i, track in enumerate(self.tracks): if not isinstance(track, Track): raise TypeError( "`tracks` must be a list of type Track, but got type " f"{type(track)} at index {i}." )
[docs] def validate_type(self, attr=None): """Raise an error if an attribute has an invalid type. Parameters ---------- attr : str Attribute to validate. Defaults to validate all attributes. Returns ------- Object itself. """ if attr is None: attributes = ( "name", "resolution", "tempo", "beat", "downbeat", "tracks", ) for attribute in attributes: self._validate_type(attribute) else: self._validate_type(attr) return self
def _validate(self, attr): if getattr(self, attr) is None: if attr == "resolution": raise TypeError(f"`{attr}` must not be None.") return self._validate_type(attr) if attr == "resolution": if self.resolution < 1: raise ValueError("`resolution` must be a positive integer.") elif attr == "tempo": if self.tempo.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("`tempo` must be a 1D NumPy array.") if np.any(self.tempo <= 0.0): raise ValueError("`tempo` must contain only positive numbers.") elif attr == "beat": if self.beat.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("`beat` must be a 1D NumPy array.") elif attr == "downbeat": if self.downbeat.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("`downbeat` must be a 1D NumPy array.") elif attr == "tracks": for track in self.tracks: track.validate()
[docs] def validate(self: MultitrackType, attr=None) -> MultitrackType: """Raise an error if an attribute has an invalid type or value. Parameters ---------- attr : str Attribute to validate. Defaults to validate all attributes. Returns ------- Object itself. """ if attr is None: attributes = ( "name", "resolution", "tempo", "beat", "downbeat", "tracks", ) for attribute in attributes: self._validate(attribute) else: self._validate(attr) return self
[docs] def is_valid_type(self, attr: str = None) -> bool: """Return True if an attribute is of a valid type. Parameters ---------- attr : str Attribute to validate. Defaults to validate all attributes. Returns ------- bool Whether the attribute is of a valid type. """ try: self.validate_type(attr) except TypeError: return False return True
[docs] def is_valid(self, attr: str = None) -> bool: """Return True if an attribute is valid. Parameters ---------- attr : str Attribute to validate. Defaults to validate all attributes. Returns ------- bool Whether the attribute has a valid type and value. """ try: self.validate(attr) except (TypeError, ValueError): return False return True
[docs] def get_length(self) -> int: """Return the maximum active length of the piano rolls. Returns ------- int Maximum active length (in time steps) of the piano rolls, where active length is the length of the piano roll without trailing silence. """ active_length = 0 for track in self.tracks: now_length = track.get_length() if active_length < track.get_length(): active_length = now_length return active_length
[docs] def get_max_length(self) -> int: """Return the maximum length of the piano rolls. Returns ------- int Maximum length (in time steps) of the piano rolls. """ max_length = 0 for track in self.tracks: if max_length < track.pianoroll.shape[0]: max_length = track.pianoroll.shape[0] return max_length
[docs] def get_beat_steps(self) -> ndarray: """Return the indices of time steps that contain beats. Returns ------- ndarray, dtype=int Indices of time steps that contain beats. """ if self.beat is None: return np.array([]) return np.nonzero(self.beat)[0]
[docs] def get_downbeat_steps(self) -> ndarray: """Return the indices of time steps that contain downbeats. Returns ------- ndarray, dtype=int Indices of time steps that contain downbeats. """ if self.downbeat is None: return np.array([]) return np.nonzero(self.downbeat)[0]
[docs] def set_nonzeros(self: MultitrackType, value: int) -> MultitrackType: """Assign a constant value to all nonzero entries. Arguments --------- value : int Value to assign. Returns ------- Object itself. """ for i, track in enumerate(self.tracks): if isinstance(track, (StandardTrack, BinaryTrack)): self.tracks[i] = track.set_nonzeros(value) return self
[docs] def set_resolution( self: MultitrackType, resolution: int, rounding: str = "round" ) -> MultitrackType: """Set the resolution. Parameters ---------- resolution : int Target resolution. rounding : {'round', 'ceil', 'floor'}, default: 'round' Rounding mode. Returns ------- Object itself. """ for track in self.tracks: time, pitch = track.pianoroll.nonzero() if len(time) < 1: continue if track.pianoroll.dtype == np.bool_: value = 1 else: value = track.pianoroll[time, pitch] factor = resolution / self.resolution if rounding == "round": time = np.round(time * factor).astype(int) elif rounding == "ceil": time = np.ceil(time * factor).astype(int) elif rounding == "floor": time = np.floor(time * factor).astype(int) else: raise ValueError( "`rounding` must be one of 'round', 'ceil' or 'floor', " f"not {rounding}." ) track.pianoroll = np.zeros( (time[-1] + 1, 128), track.pianoroll.dtype ) track.pianoroll[time, pitch] = value self.resolution = resolution return self
[docs] def count_beat(self) -> int: """Return the number of beats. Returns ------- int Number of beats. Note ---- Return value is calculated based only on the attribute `beat`. """ if self.beat is None: return 0 return np.count_nonzero(self.beat)
[docs] def count_downbeat(self) -> int: """Return the number of downbeats. Returns ------- int Number of downbeats. Note ---- Return value is calculated based only on the attribute `downbeat`. """ if self.downbeat is None: return 0 return np.count_nonzero(self.downbeat)
[docs] def stack(self) -> ndarray: """Return the piano rolls stacked as a 3D tensor. Returns ------- ndarray, shape=(?, ?, 128) Stacked piano roll, provided as *(track, time, pitch)*. """ max_length = self.get_max_length() pianorolls = [] for track in self.tracks: if track.pianoroll.shape[0] < max_length: pad_length = max_length - track.pianoroll.shape[0] padded = np.pad( track.pianoroll, ((0, pad_length), (0, 0)), "constant", ) pianorolls.append(padded) else: pianorolls.append(track.pianoroll) return np.stack(pianorolls)
[docs] def blend(self, mode: str = None) -> ndarray: """Return the blended pianoroll. Parameters ---------- mode : {'sum', 'max', 'any'}, default: 'sum' Blending strategy to apply along the track axis. For 'sum' mode, integer summation is performed for binary piano rolls. Returns ------- ndarray, shape=(?, 128) Blended piano roll. """ stacked = self.stack() if mode is None or mode.lower() == "sum": return np.sum(stacked, axis=0).clip(0, 127).astype(np.uint8) if mode.lower() == "any": return np.any(stacked, axis=0) if mode.lower() == "max": return np.max(stacked, axis=0) raise ValueError("`mode` must be one of 'max', 'sum' or 'any'.")
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the multitrack. Returns ------- A copy of the object itself. Notes ----- Arrays are copied using :func:`numpy.copy`. """ return Multitrack(, resolution=self.resolution, tempo=None if self.tempo is None else self.tempo.copy(), beat=None if self.beat is None else self.beat.copy(), downbeat=None if self.downbeat is None else self.downbeat.copy(), tracks=[track.copy() for track in self.tracks], )
[docs] def append(self: MultitrackType, track: Track) -> MultitrackType: """Append a Track object to the track list. Parameters ---------- track : :class:`pypianoroll.Track` Track to append. Returns ------- Object itself. """ self.tracks.append(track) return self
[docs] def binarize(self: MultitrackType, threshold: float = 0) -> MultitrackType: """Binarize the piano rolls. Parameters ---------- threshold : int or float, default: 0 Threshold to binarize the piano rolls. Returns ------- Object itself. """ for i, track in enumerate(self.tracks): if isinstance(track, StandardTrack): self.tracks[i] = track.binarize(threshold) return self
[docs] def clip( self: MultitrackType, lower: int = 0, upper: int = 127 ) -> MultitrackType: """Clip (limit) the the piano roll into [`lower`, `upper`]. Parameters ---------- lower : int, default: 0 Lower bound. upper : int, default: 127 Upper bound. Returns ------- Object itself. Note ---- Only affect StandardTrack instances. """ for track in self.tracks: if isinstance(track, StandardTrack): track.clip(lower, upper) return self
[docs] def pad(self: MultitrackType, pad_length) -> MultitrackType: """Pad the piano rolls. Notes ----- The lengths of the resulting piano rolls are not guaranteed to be the same. Parameters ---------- pad_length : int Length to pad along the time axis. Returns ------- Object itself. See Also -------- :meth:`pypianoroll.Multitrack.pad_to_multiple` : Pad the piano rolls so that their lengths are some multiples. :meth:`pypianoroll.Multitrack.pad_to_same` : Pad the piano rolls so that they have the same length. """ for track in self.tracks: track.pad(pad_length) return self
[docs] def pad_to_multiple(self: MultitrackType, factor: int) -> MultitrackType: """Pad the piano rolls so that their lengths are some multiples. Pad the piano rolls at the end along the time axis of the minimum length that makes the lengths of the resulting piano rolls multiples of `factor`. Parameters ---------- factor : int The value which the length of the resulting piano rolls will be a multiple of. Returns ------- Object itself. Notes ----- Lengths of the resulting piano rolls are necessarily the same. See Also -------- :meth:`pypianoroll.Multitrack.pad` : Pad the piano rolls. :meth:`pypianoroll.Multitrack.pad_to_same` : Pad the piano rolls so that they have the same length. """ for track in self.tracks: track.pad_to_multiple(factor) return self
[docs] def pad_to_same(self: MultitrackType) -> MultitrackType: """Pad the piano rolls so that they have the same length. Pad shorter piano rolls at the end along the time axis so that the resulting piano rolls have the same length. Returns ------- Object itself. See Also -------- :meth:`pypianoroll.Multitrack.pad` : Pad the piano rolls. :meth:`pypianoroll.Multitrack.pad_to_multiple` : Pad the piano rolls so that their lengths are some multiples. """ max_length = self.get_max_length() for track in self.tracks: if track.pianoroll.shape[0] < max_length: track.pad(max_length - track.pianoroll.shape[0]) return self
[docs] def remove_empty(self: MultitrackType) -> MultitrackType: """Remove tracks with empty pianorolls.""" self.tracks = [ track for track in self.tracks if not np.any(track.pianoroll) ] return self
[docs] def transpose(self: MultitrackType, semitone: int) -> MultitrackType: """Transpose the piano rolls by a number of semitones. Parameters ---------- semitone : int Number of semitones to transpose. A positive value raises the pitches, while a negative value lowers the pitches. Returns ------- Object itself. Notes ----- Drum tracks are skipped. """ for track in self.tracks: if not track.is_drum: track.transpose(semitone) return self
[docs] def trim( self: MultitrackType, start: int = None, end: int = None ) -> MultitrackType: """Trim the trailing silences of the piano rolls. Parameters ---------- start : int, default: 0 Start time. end : int, optional End time. Defaults to active length. Returns ------- Object itself. """ if start is None: start = 0 if end is None: end = self.get_length() if self.tempo is not None: self.tempo = self.tempo[start:end] if self.beat is not None: self.beat = self.beat[start:end] if self.downbeat is not None: self.downbeat = self.downbeat[start:end] for track in self.tracks: track.trim(start=start, end=end) return self
[docs] def save(self, path: str, compressed: bool = True): """Save to a NPZ file. Refer to :func:`` for full documentation. """ save(path, self, compressed=compressed)
[docs] def write(self, path: str): """Write to a MIDI file. Refer to :func:`pypianoroll.write` for full documentation. """ return write(path, self)
[docs] def to_pretty_midi(self, **kwargs): """Return as a PrettyMIDI object. Refer to :func:`pypianoroll.to_pretty_midi` for full documentation. """ return to_pretty_midi(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, axs: Sequence[Axes] = None, **kwargs) -> List[Axes]: """Plot the multitrack piano roll. Refer to :func:`pypianoroll.plot_multitrack` for full documentation. """ return plot_multitrack(self, axs, **kwargs)