Source code for pypianoroll.inputs

"""Input interfaces.


- load
- from_pretty_midi
- read

import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from pretty_midi import PrettyMIDI

from .multitrack import DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, Multitrack
from .track import BinaryTrack, StandardTrack, Track
from .utils import reconstruct_sparse

__all__ = ["load", "from_pretty_midi", "read"]

[docs]def load(path: Union[str, Path]) -> Multitrack: """Load a NPZ file into a Multitrack object. Supports only files previously saved by :func:``. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path Path to the file to load. See Also -------- :func:`` : Save a Multitrack object to a NPZ file. :func:`` : Read a MIDI file into a Multitrack object. """ with np.load(path) as loaded: if "info.json" not in loaded: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find `info.json` in the NPZ file.") # Load the info dictionary info_dict = json.loads(loaded["info.json"].decode("utf-8")) # Get the resolution resolution = info_dict.get("resolution") # Look for `beat_resolution` for backward compatibility if resolution is None: resolution = info_dict.get("beat_resolution") if resolution is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot find `resolution` or `beat_resolution` in " "`info.json`." ) # Load the tracks idx = 0 tracks = [] while str(idx) in info_dict: name = info_dict[str(idx)].get("name") program = info_dict[str(idx)].get("program") is_drum = info_dict[str(idx)].get("is_drum") pianoroll = reconstruct_sparse(loaded, "pianoroll_" + str(idx)) if pianoroll.dtype == np.bool_: track: Track = BinaryTrack( name=name, program=program, is_drum=is_drum, pianoroll=pianoroll, ) elif pianoroll.dtype == np.uint8: track = StandardTrack( name=name, program=program, is_drum=is_drum, pianoroll=pianoroll, ) else: track = Track( name=name, program=program, is_drum=is_drum, pianoroll=pianoroll, ) tracks.append(track) idx += 1 return Multitrack( name=info_dict["name"], resolution=resolution, tempo=loaded.get("tempo"), downbeat=loaded.get("downbeat"), tracks=tracks, )
[docs]def from_pretty_midi( midi: PrettyMIDI, resolution: int = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, mode: str = "max", algorithm: str = "normal", collect_onsets_only: bool = False, first_beat_time: float = None, ) -> Multitrack: """Return a Multitrack object converted from a PrettyMIDI object. Parse a :class:`pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI` object. The data type of the resulting piano rolls is automatically determined (int if 'mode' is 'sum' and np.uint8 if `mode` is 'max'). Parameters ---------- midi : :class:`pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI` PrettyMIDI object to parse. mode : {'max', 'sum'}, default: 'max' Merging strategy for duplicate notes. algorithm : {'normal', 'strict', 'custom'}, default: 'normal' Algorithm for finding the location of the first beat (see Notes). collect_onsets_only : bool, default: False True to collect only the onset of the notes (i.e. note on events) in all tracks, where the note off and duration information are discarded. False to parse regular piano rolls. first_beat_time : float, optional Location of the first beat, in sec. Required and only effective when using 'custom' algorithm. Returns ------- :class:`pypianoroll.Multitrack` Converted Multitrack object. Notes ----- There are three algorithms for finding the location of the first beat: - 'normal' : Estimate the location of the first beat using :meth:`pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI.estimate_beat_start`. - 'strict' : Set the location of the first beat to the time of the first time signature change. Raise a RuntimeError if no time signature change is found. - 'custom' : Set the location of the first beat to the value of argument `first_beat_time`. Raise a ValueError if `first_beat_time` is not given. If an incomplete beat before the first beat is found, an additional beat will be added before the (estimated) beat starting time. However, notes before the (estimated) beat starting time for more than one beat are dropped. """ if mode not in ("max", "sum"): raise ValueError("`mode` must be either 'max' or 'sum'.") # Set first_beat_time for 'normal' and 'strict' modes if algorithm == "normal": if midi.time_signature_changes: midi.time_signature_changes.sort(key=lambda x: x.time) first_beat_time = midi.time_signature_changes[0].time else: first_beat_time = midi.estimate_beat_start() elif algorithm == "strict": if not midi.time_signature_changes: raise RuntimeError( "No time signature change event found. Unable to set beat " "start time using 'strict' algorithm." ) midi.time_signature_changes.sort(key=lambda x: x.time) first_beat_time = midi.time_signature_changes[0].time elif algorithm == "custom": if first_beat_time is None: raise TypeError( "`first_beat_time` must be given when using 'custom' " "algorithm." ) if first_beat_time < 0.0: raise ValueError("`first_beat_time` must be a positive number.") else: raise ValueError( "`algorithm` must be one of 'normal', 'strict' or 'custom'." ) # get tempo change event times and contents tc_times, tempi = midi.get_tempo_changes() arg_sorted = np.argsort(tc_times) tc_times = tc_times[arg_sorted] tempi = tempi[arg_sorted] beat_times = midi.get_beats(first_beat_time) if not beat_times.size: raise ValueError("Cannot get beat timings to quantize the piano roll.") beat_times.sort() n_beats = len(beat_times) n_time_steps = resolution * n_beats # Parse downbeat array if not midi.time_signature_changes: downbeat = None else: downbeat = np.zeros((n_time_steps, 1), bool) downbeat[0] = True start = 0 end = start for idx, tsc in enumerate(midi.time_signature_changes[:-1]): end += np.searchsorted( beat_times[end:], midi.time_signature_changes[idx + 1].time ) start_idx = start * resolution end_idx = end * resolution stride = tsc.numerator * resolution downbeat[start_idx:end_idx:stride] = True start = end # Build tempo array one_more_beat = 2 * beat_times[-1] - beat_times[-2] beat_times_one_more = np.append(beat_times, one_more_beat) bpm = 60.0 / np.diff(beat_times_one_more) tempo = np.tile(bpm, (1, 24)).reshape(-1, 1) # Parse the tracks tracks = [] for instrument in midi.instruments: if mode == "max": pianoroll = np.zeros((n_time_steps, 128), np.uint8) else: pianoroll = np.zeros((n_time_steps, 128), int) pitches = np.array( [ note.pitch for note in instrument.notes if note.end > first_beat_time ] ) note_on_times = np.array( [ note.start for note in instrument.notes if note.end > first_beat_time ] ) beat_indices = np.searchsorted(beat_times, note_on_times) - 1 remained = note_on_times - beat_times[beat_indices] ratios = remained / ( beat_times_one_more[beat_indices + 1] - beat_times[beat_indices] ) rounded = np.round((beat_indices + ratios) * resolution) note_ons = rounded.astype(int) if collect_onsets_only: pianoroll[note_ons, pitches] = True elif instrument.is_drum: velocities = [ note.velocity for note in instrument.notes if note.end > first_beat_time ] pianoroll[note_ons, pitches] = velocities else: note_off_times = np.array( [ note.end for note in instrument.notes if note.end > first_beat_time ] ) beat_indices = np.searchsorted(beat_times, note_off_times) - 1 remained = note_off_times - beat_times[beat_indices] ratios = remained / ( beat_times_one_more[beat_indices + 1] - beat_times[beat_indices] ) note_offs = ((beat_indices + ratios) * resolution).astype(int) for idx, start in enumerate(note_ons): end = note_offs[idx] velocity = instrument.notes[idx].velocity if velocity < 1: continue if 0 < start < n_time_steps: if pianoroll[start - 1, pitches[idx]]: pianoroll[start - 1, pitches[idx]] = 0 if end < n_time_steps - 1: if pianoroll[end, pitches[idx]]: end -= 1 if mode == "max": pianoroll[start:end, pitches[idx]] += velocity else: maximum = np.maximum( pianoroll[start:end, pitches[idx]], velocity ) pianoroll[start:end, pitches[idx]] = maximum if mode == "max": track: Track = StandardTrack( name=str(, program=int(instrument.program), is_drum=bool(instrument.is_drum), pianoroll=pianoroll, ) else: track = Track( name=str(, program=int(instrument.program), is_drum=bool(instrument.is_drum), pianoroll=pianoroll, ) tracks.append(track) return Multitrack( resolution=resolution, tempo=tempo, downbeat=downbeat, tracks=tracks )
[docs]def read(path: Union[str, Path], **kwargs) -> Multitrack: """Read a MIDI file into a Multitrack object. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path Path to the file to read. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`pypianoroll.from_pretty_midi`. See Also -------- :func:`pypianoroll.write` : Write a Multitrack object to a MIDI file. :func:`pypianoroll.load` : Load a NPZ file into a Multitrack object. """ return from_pretty_midi(PrettyMIDI(str(path)), **kwargs)