MIDI I/O Interface

muspy.read_midi(path, backend='mido', duplicate_note_mode='fifo')[source]

Read a MIDI file into a Music object.

  • path (str or Path) – Path to the MIDI file to read.

  • backend ({'mido', 'pretty_midi'}, default: 'mido') – Backend to use.

  • duplicate_note_mode ({'fifo', 'lifo, 'all'}, default: 'fifo') –

    Policy for dealing with duplicate notes. When a note off message is presetned while there are multiple correspoding note on messages that have not yet been closed, we need a policy to decide which note on messages to close. Only used when backend is ‘mido’.

    • ’fifo’ (first in first out): close the earliest note on

    • ’lifo’ (first in first out):close the latest note on

    • ’all’: close all note on messages


Converted Music object.

Return type


muspy.write_midi(path, music, backend='mido', **kwargs)[source]

Write a Music object to a MIDI file.

  • path (str or Path) – Path to write the MIDI file.

  • music (muspy.Music) – Music object to write.

  • backend ({'mido', 'pretty_midi'}, default: 'mido') – Backend to use.

See also


Write a Music object to a MIDI file using mido as backend.


Write a Music object to a MIDI file using pretty_midi as backend.