Source code for muspy.outputs.wrappers

"""Wrapper functions for output interface."""
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TextIO, Union

from mido import MidiFile
from import Stream
from numpy import ndarray
from pretty_midi import PrettyMIDI
from pypianoroll import Multitrack

from .audio import write_audio
from .event import to_event_representation
from .json import save_json
from .midi import to_mido, to_pretty_midi, write_midi
from .music21 import to_music21
from .musicxml import write_musicxml
from .note import to_note_representation
from .pianoroll import to_pianoroll_representation, to_pypianoroll
from .pitch import to_pitch_representation
from .yaml import save_yaml

    from import Music

[docs]def save( path: Union[str, Path, TextIO], music: "Music", kind: str = None, **kwargs, ): """Save a Music object loselessly to a JSON or a YAML file. This is a wrapper function for :func:`muspy.save_json` and :func:`muspy.save_yaml`. Parameters ---------- path : str, Path or TextIO Path or file to save the data. music : :class:`muspy.Music` Music object to save. kind : {'json', 'yaml'}, optional Format to save. Defaults to infer from the extension. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`muspy.save_json` or :func:`muspy.save_yaml`. See Also -------- :func:`muspy.save_json` : Save a Music object to a JSON file. :func:`muspy.save_yaml` : Save a Music object to a YAML file. :func:`muspy.write` : Write a Music object to a MIDI/MusicXML/ABC/audio file. Notes ----- The conversion can be lossy if any nonserializable object is used (for example, an Annotation object, which can store data of any type). """ if kind is None: if not isinstance(path, (str, Path)): raise ValueError("Cannot infer file format from a file object.") path_str = str(path).lower() if path_str.endswith((".json", ".json.gz")): kind = "json" elif path_str.endswith((".yaml", ".yml", ".yaml.gz", ".yml.gz")): kind = "yaml" else: raise ValueError( "Cannot infer file format from the extension (expect JSON or " "YAML)." ) if kind.lower() == "json": return save_json(path, music, **kwargs) if kind.lower() == "yaml": return save_yaml(path, music, **kwargs) raise ValueError( f"Expect `kind` to be 'json' or 'yaml', but got : {kind}." )
[docs]def write( path: Union[str, Path], music: "Music", kind: str = None, **kwargs, ): """Write a Music object to a MIDI/MusicXML/ABC/audio file. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path Path to write the file. music : :class:`muspy.Music` Music object to convert. kind : {'midi', 'musicxml', 'abc', 'audio'}, optional Format to save. Defaults to infer from the extension. See Also -------- :func:`` : Save a Music object loselessly to a JSON or a YAML file. """ if kind is None: if str(path).lower().endswith((".mid", ".midi")): kind = "midi" elif ( str(path).lower().endswith((".mxl", ".xml", ".mxml", ".musicxml")) ): kind = "musicxml" elif str(path).lower().endswith(".abc"): kind = "abc" elif str(path).lower().endswith(("wav", "aiff", "flac", "oga")): kind = "audio" else: raise ValueError( "Cannot infer file format from the extension (expect MIDI, " "MusicXML, ABC, WAV, AIFF, FLAC or OGA)." ) if kind.lower() == "midi": return write_midi(path, music, **kwargs) if kind.lower() == "musicxml": return write_musicxml(path, music, **kwargs) if kind.lower() == "audio": return write_audio(path, music, **kwargs) raise ValueError( "Expect `kind` to be 'midi', 'musicxml', 'abc' or 'audio', but" f"got : {kind}." )
[docs]def to_object( music: "Music", kind: str, **kwargs ) -> Union[Stream, MidiFile, PrettyMIDI, Multitrack]: """Return a Music object as an object in other libraries. Supported classes are `music21.Stream`, :class:`mido.MidiTrack`, :class:`pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI` and :class:`pypianoroll.Multitrack`. Parameters ---------- music : :class:`muspy.Music` Music object to convert. kind : str, {'music21', 'mido', 'pretty_midi', 'pypianoroll'} Target class. Returns ------- `music21.Stream`, :class:`mido.MidiTrack`, \ :class:`pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI` or \ :class:`pypianoroll.Multitrack` Converted object. """ if kind.lower() == "music21": return to_music21(music) if kind.lower() == "mido": return to_mido(music, **kwargs) if kind.lower() in ("pretty_midi", "prettymidi", "pretty-midi"): return to_pretty_midi(music) if kind.lower() == "pypianoroll": return to_pypianoroll(music) raise ValueError( "Expect `kind` to be 'music21', 'mido', 'pretty_midi' or " f"'pypianoroll', but got : {kind}." )
[docs]def to_representation(music: "Music", kind: str, **kwargs) -> ndarray: """Return a Music object in a specific representation. Parameters ---------- music : :class:`muspy.Music` Music object to convert. kind : str, {'pitch', 'piano-roll', 'event', 'note'} Target representation. Returns ------- array : ndarray Converted representation. """ if kind.lower() in ("pitch", "pitch-based"): return to_pitch_representation(music, **kwargs) if kind.lower() in ("piano-roll", "pianoroll", "piano roll"): return to_pianoroll_representation(music, **kwargs) if kind.lower() in ("event", "event-based"): return to_event_representation(music, **kwargs) if kind.lower() in ("note", "note-based"): return to_note_representation(music, **kwargs) raise ValueError( "Expect `kind` to be 'pitch', 'pianoroll', 'event' or 'note', but" f"got : {kind}." )