Source code for muspy.outputs.pianoroll

"""Piano-roll output interface."""
import math
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union

import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray
from pypianoroll import Multitrack, Track

from ..classes import DEFAULT_VELOCITY

    from import Music

[docs]def to_pypianoroll(music: "Music") -> Multitrack: """Return a Music object as a Multitrack object. Parameters ---------- music : :class:`muspy.Music` Music object to convert. Returns ------- multitrack : :class:`pypianoroll.Multitrack` Converted Multitrack object. """ length = music.get_end_time() # Tracks tracks = [] for track in music.tracks: pianoroll = np.zeros((length, 128)) for note in track.notes: if note.velocity is not None: pianoroll[note.time : note.end, note.pitch] = note.velocity else: pianoroll[note.time : note.end, note.pitch] = DEFAULT_VELOCITY track = Track( program=track.program, is_drum=track.is_drum, if is not None else "", pianoroll=pianoroll, ) tracks.append(track) # Tempos if not music.tempos: tempo_arr = None else: tempo_arr = np.full(length, 120.0) qpm = 120.0 position = 0 for tempo in music.tempos: tempo_arr[position : tempo.time] = qpm tempo_arr[tempo.time] = tempo.qpm position = tempo.time + 1 qpm = tempo.qpm tempo_arr[position:] = qpm # Downbeats if not downbeat_arr = None else: downbeat_arr = np.zeros(length, bool) for beat in if beat.is_downbeat: downbeat_arr[beat.time] = True has_title = music.metadata is not None and music.metadata.title is not None return Multitrack( name=music.metadata.title if has_title else None, resolution=music.resolution, tempo=tempo_arr, downbeat=downbeat_arr, tracks=tracks, )
[docs]def to_pianoroll_representation( music: "Music", encode_velocity: bool = True, dtype: Union[np.dtype, type, str] = None, ) -> ndarray: """Encode notes into piano-roll representation. Parameters ---------- music : :class:`muspy.Music` Music object to encode. encode_velocity : bool, default: True Whether to encode velocities. If True, a binary-valued array will be return. Otherwise, an integer array will be return. dtype : np.dtype, type or str, optional Data type of the return array. Defaults to uint8 if `encode_velocity` is True, otherwise bool. Returns ------- ndarray, shape=(?, 128) Encoded array in piano-roll representation. """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.uint8 if encode_velocity else bool # Collect notes notes = [] for track in music.tracks: notes.extend(track.notes) # Raise an error if no notes are found if not notes: raise RuntimeError("No notes found.") # Sort the notes notes.sort(key=attrgetter("time", "pitch", "duration", "velocity")) if not notes: return np.zeros((0, 128), dtype) # Initialize the array length = max((note.end for note in notes)) array = np.zeros((length + 1, 128), dtype) # Encode notes for note in notes: if note.velocity is not None: if encode_velocity: array[note.time : note.end, note.pitch] = note.velocity else: array[note.time : note.end, note.pitch] = note.velocity > 0 elif encode_velocity: array[note.time : note.end, note.pitch] = DEFAULT_VELOCITY else: array[note.time : note.end, note.pitch] = True return array