Source code for muspy.outputs.event

"""Event-based representation output interface."""
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, List

import numpy as np
from bidict import bidict
from numpy import ndarray

    from import Music

[docs]def to_event_representation( music: "Music", use_single_note_off_event: bool = False, use_end_of_sequence_event: bool = False, encode_velocity: bool = False, force_velocity_event: bool = True, max_time_shift: int = 100, velocity_bins: int = 32, dtype=int, ) -> ndarray: """Encode a Music object into event-based representation. The event-based represetantion represents music as a sequence of events, including note-on, note-off, time-shift and velocity events. The output shape is M x 1, where M is the number of events. The values encode the events. The default configuration uses 0-127 to encode note-on events, 128-255 for note-off events, 256-355 for time-shift events, and 356 to 387 for velocity events. Parameters ---------- music : :class:`muspy.Music` Music object to encode. use_single_note_off_event : bool, default: False Whether to use a single note-off event for all the pitches. If True, the note-off event will close all active notes, which can lead to lossy conversion for polyphonic music. use_end_of_sequence_event : bool, default: False Whether to append an end-of-sequence event to the encoded sequence. encode_velocity : bool, default: False Whether to encode velocities. force_velocity_event : bool, default: True Whether to add a velocity event before every note-on event. If False, velocity events are only used when the note velocity is changed (i.e., different from the previous one). max_time_shift : int, default: 100 Maximum time shift (in ticks) to be encoded as an separate event. Time shifts larger than `max_time_shift` will be decomposed into two or more time-shift events. velocity_bins : int, default: 32 Number of velocity bins to use. dtype : np.dtype, type or str, default: int Data type of the return array. Returns ------- ndarray, shape=(?, 1) Encoded array in event-based representation. """ if dtype is None: dtype = int # Collect notes notes = [] for track in music.tracks: notes.extend(track.notes) # Raise an error if no notes is found if not notes and not use_end_of_sequence_event: raise RuntimeError("No notes found.") # Sort the notes notes.sort(key=attrgetter("time", "pitch", "duration", "velocity")) # Compute offsets offset_note_on = 0 offset_note_off = 128 offset_time_shift = 129 if use_single_note_off_event else 256 offset_velocity = offset_time_shift + max_time_shift if use_end_of_sequence_event: offset_eos = offset_velocity + velocity_bins # Collect note-related events note_events = [] last_velocity = -1 for note in notes: # Velocity event if encode_velocity: quantized_velocity = int(note.velocity * velocity_bins / 128) if force_velocity_event or quantized_velocity != last_velocity: note_events.append( (note.time, offset_velocity + quantized_velocity) ) last_velocity = quantized_velocity # Note on event note_events.append((note.time, offset_note_on + note.pitch)) # Note off event if use_single_note_off_event: note_events.append((note.end, offset_note_off)) else: note_events.append((note.end, offset_note_off + note.pitch)) # Sort events by time note_events.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) # Create a list for all events events = [] # Initialize the time cursor time_cursor = 0 # Iterate over note events for time, code in note_events: # If event time is after the time cursor, append tick shift # events if time > time_cursor: div, mod = divmod(time - time_cursor, max_time_shift) for _ in range(div): events.append(offset_time_shift + max_time_shift - 1) if mod > 0: events.append(offset_time_shift + mod - 1) events.append(code) time_cursor = time else: events.append(code) # Append the end-of-sequence event if use_end_of_sequence_event: events.append(offset_eos) return np.array(events, dtype=dtype).reshape(-1, 1)
class EventSequence(list): """A class for handling an event sequence. The EventSequence inherits from the builtin list. The elements are integer codes of the events defined by its `indexer` attribute. The corresponding events can be accessed by calling `events(idx)`. Attributes ---------- indexer : bidict, optional Indexer that defines the mapping between events and their codes. """ def __init__(self, iterable: Iterable = None, indexer: bidict = None): if iterable is not None: super().__init__(iterable) else: super().__init__() self.indexer = indexer if indexer is not None else bidict() def event(self, idx: int) -> str: """Return the event at a given index.""" return self.indexer.inverse[self[idx]] def events(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list of all events.""" return [self.indexer.inverse[elem] for elem in self] def append_event(self, event: str): """Append an event to the event sequence.""" # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object self.append(self.indexer[event]) def extend_events(self, events: List[str]): """Extend the event sequence by a list of events.""" # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object self.extend(self.indexer[event] for event in events) def inverse(self, idx) -> str: """Return the corresponding event by its code.""" return self.indexer.inverse[idx] def get_default_indexer() -> bidict: """Return the default indexer.""" indexer = {} idx = 0 # Note-on events for i in range(128): indexer[f"note_on_{i}"] = idx idx += 1 # Note-off events for i in range(128): indexer[f"note_off_{i}"] = idx idx += 1 # Time-shift events for i in range(1, 101): indexer[f"time_shift_{i}"] = idx idx += 1 return bidict(indexer) class DefaultEventSequence(EventSequence): """A class for handling a MIDI-like event sequence. Attributes ---------- indexer : bidict, optional Indexer that defines the mapping between events and their codes. """ def __init__(self, iterable: Iterable = None, indexer: bidict = None): if indexer is not None: super().__init__(iterable, indexer) else: super().__init__(iterable, get_default_indexer()) @classmethod def to_note_on_event(cls, pitch) -> str: """Return a note-on event for a given pitch.""" return f"note_on_{pitch}" @classmethod def to_note_off_event(cls, pitch) -> str: """Return a note-off event for a given pitch.""" return f"note_off_{pitch}" @classmethod def to_time_shift_events(cls, time_shift) -> List[str]: """Return a list of time-shift events for a given time-shift.""" if time_shift <= 100: return [f"time_shift_{time_shift}"] events = [] div, mod = divmod(time_shift, 100) for _ in range(div): events.append("time_shift_100") if mod > 0: events.append(f"time_shift_{mod}") return events def to_default_event_sequence(music: "Music") -> DefaultEventSequence: """Return a Music object as a DefaultEventSequence object.""" # Collect notes notes = [] for track in music.tracks: notes.extend(track.notes) # Raise an error if no notes is found if not notes: raise RuntimeError("No notes found.") # Create a DefaultEventSequence object seq = DefaultEventSequence() # Collect events events = [] for note in notes: events.append((note.time, seq.to_note_on_event(note.pitch))) events.append((note.end, seq.to_note_off_event(note.pitch))) # Sort the events by time events.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) # Create event sequence last_event_time = 0 for event in events: if event[0] > last_event_time: time_shift = event[0] - last_event_time seq.extend_events(seq.to_time_shift_events(time_shift)) seq.append_event(event[1]) last_event_time = event[0] return seq
[docs]def to_default_event_representation(music: "Music", dtype=int) -> ndarray: """Encode a Music object into the default event representation.""" seq = to_default_event_sequence(music) return np.array(seq, dtype=dtype)
def get_performance_indexer() -> bidict: """Return the default indexer.""" indexer = {} idx = 0 # Note-on events for i in range(128): indexer[f"note_on_{i}"] = idx idx += 1 # Note-off events for i in range(128): indexer[f"note_off_{i}"] = idx idx += 1 # Time-shift events for i in range(1, 101): indexer[f"time_shift_{i}"] = idx idx += 1 # Velocity events for i in range(32): indexer[f"velocity_{i}"] = idx idx += 1 return bidict(indexer) class PerformanceEventSequence(EventSequence): """A class for handling a MIDI-like event sequence. Attributes ---------- indexer : bidict, optional Indexer that defines the mapping between events and their codes. """ def __init__(self, iterable: Iterable = None, indexer: bidict = None): if indexer is not None: super().__init__(iterable, indexer) else: super().__init__(iterable, get_performance_indexer()) @classmethod def to_note_on_event(cls, pitch) -> str: """Return a note-on event for a given pitch.""" return f"note_on_{pitch}" @classmethod def to_note_off_event(cls, pitch) -> str: """Return a note-off event for a given pitch.""" return f"note_off_{pitch}" @classmethod def to_velocity_event(cls, velocity) -> str: """Return a velocity event for a given velocity.""" return f"velocity_{velocity//4}" @classmethod def to_time_shift_events(cls, time_shift) -> List[str]: """Return a list of time-shift events for a given time-shift.""" if time_shift <= 100: return [f"time_shift_{time_shift}"] events = [] div, mod = divmod(time_shift, 100) for _ in range(div): events.append("time_shift_100") if mod > 0: events.append(f"time_shift_{mod}") return events def to_performance_event_sequence(music: "Music") -> PerformanceEventSequence: """Return a Music object as a PerformanceEventSequence object.""" # Collect notes notes = [] for track in music.tracks: notes.extend(track.notes) # Raise an error if no notes is found if not notes: raise RuntimeError("No notes found.") # Create a PerformanceEventSequence object seq = PerformanceEventSequence() # Collect events events = [] for note in notes: events.append((note.time, seq.to_velocity_event(note.velocity))) events.append((note.time, seq.to_note_on_event(note.pitch))) events.append((note.end, seq.to_note_off_event(note.pitch))) # Sort the events by time events.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) # Create event sequence last_event_time = 0 for event in events: if event[0] > last_event_time: time_shift = event[0] - last_event_time seq.extend_events(seq.to_time_shift_events(time_shift)) seq.append_event(event[1]) last_event_time = event[0] return seq
[docs]def to_performance_event_representation(music: "Music", dtype=int) -> ndarray: """Encode a Music object into the performance event representation.""" seq = to_performance_event_sequence(music) return np.array(seq, dtype=dtype)
def get_remi_indexer() -> bidict: """Return the REMI indexer.""" indexer = {} idx = 0 # Note-on events for i in range(128): indexer[f"note_on_{i}"] = idx idx += 1 # Note-duration events for i in range(1, 65): indexer[f"note_duration_{i}"] = idx idx += 1 # Position events for i in range(0, 24): indexer[f"position_{i}"] = idx idx += 1 # Beat event indexer["beat"] = idx idx += 1 # Tempo events for i in range(30, 210): indexer[f"tempo_{i}"] = idx idx += 1 return bidict(indexer) class REMIEventSequence(EventSequence): """A class for handling a MIDI-like event sequence. Attributes ---------- indexer : bidict, optional Indexer that defines the mapping between events and their codes. Note ---- Bar events are replaced by beat events. Chord events are currently not supported. """ def __init__(self, iterable: Iterable = None, indexer: bidict = None): if indexer is not None: super().__init__(iterable, indexer) else: super().__init__(iterable, get_remi_indexer()) @classmethod def to_note_on_event(cls, pitch) -> str: """Return a note-on event for a given pitch.""" return f"note_on_{pitch}" @classmethod def to_note_duration_event(cls, duration) -> str: """Return a note-duration event for a given pitch.""" return f"note_duration_{duration}" @classmethod def to_position_event(cls, position) -> str: """Return a position event for a given position.""" return f"position_{position}" @classmethod def to_beat_event(cls) -> str: """Return a beat event.""" return "beat" @classmethod def to_tempo_event(cls, tempo) -> str: """Return a position event for a given position.""" return f"tempo_{int(tempo)}" def to_remi_event_sequence(music: "Music") -> REMIEventSequence: """Return a Music object as a REMIEventSequence object.""" # Collect notes notes = [] for track in music.tracks: notes.extend(track.notes) # Raise an error if no notes is found if not notes: raise RuntimeError("No notes found.") # Create a REMIEventSequence object seq = REMIEventSequence() # Collect events events = [] for tempo in music.tempos: events.append((tempo.time, seq.to_tempo_event(tempo.qpm))) for note in notes: events.append((note.time, seq.to_note_on_event(note.pitch))) events.append((note.end, seq.to_note_duration_event(note.duration))) # Sort the events by time events.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) # Create event sequence last_beat = -1 last_position = -1 for event in events: beat, position = divmod(event[0], music.resolution) if beat > last_beat: seq.append_event(seq.to_beat_event()) if position > last_position: seq.append_event( seq.to_position_event(24 * position // music.resolution) ) seq.append_event(event[1]) return seq
[docs]def to_remi_event_representation(music: "Music", dtype=int) -> ndarray: """Encode a Music object into the remi event representation.""" seq = to_remi_event_sequence(music) return np.array(seq, dtype=dtype)
def get_indexer(preset=None) -> bidict: """Return a preset indexer.""" if preset is None or preset.lower() == "midi": return get_default_indexer() if preset.lower() == "remi": return get_remi_indexer() if preset.lower() == "performance": return get_performance_indexer() raise ValueError(f"Unknown preset : {preset}")