Source code for muspy.inputs.event

"""Event-based representation input interface."""
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import attrgetter

import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray

from ..classes import DEFAULT_VELOCITY, Note, Track
from import DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, Music

[docs]def from_event_representation( array: ndarray, resolution: int = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, program: int = 0, is_drum: bool = False, use_single_note_off_event: bool = False, use_end_of_sequence_event: bool = False, max_time_shift: int = 100, velocity_bins: int = 32, default_velocity: int = DEFAULT_VELOCITY, duplicate_note_mode: str = "fifo", ) -> Music: """Decode event-based representation into a Music object. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray Array in event-based representation to decode. resolution : int, default: `muspy.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION` (24) Time steps per quarter note. program : int, default: 0 (Acoustic Grand Piano) Program number, according to General MIDI specification [1]. Valid values are 0 to 127. is_drum : bool, default: False Whether it is a percussion track. use_single_note_off_event : bool, default: False Whether to use a single note-off event for all the pitches. If True, a note-off event will close all active notes, which can lead to lossy conversion for polyphonic music. use_end_of_sequence_event : bool, default: False Whether to append an end-of-sequence event to the encoded sequence. max_time_shift : int, default: 100 Maximum time shift (in ticks) to be encoded as an separate event. Time shifts larger than `max_time_shift` will be decomposed into two or more time-shift events. velocity_bins : int, default: 32 Number of velocity bins to use. default_velocity : int, default: `muspy.DEFAULT_VELOCITY` (64) Default velocity value to use when decoding. duplicate_note_mode : {'fifo', 'lifo', 'all'}, default: 'fifo' Policy for dealing with duplicate notes. When a note off event is presetned while there are multiple correspoding note on events that have not yet been closed, we need a policy to decide which note on messages to close. This is only effective when `use_single_note_off_event` is False. - 'fifo' (first in first out): close the earliest note on - 'lifo' (first in first out): close the latest note on - 'all': close all note on messages Returns ------- :class:`muspy.Music` Decoded Music object. References ---------- [1] """ if duplicate_note_mode.lower() not in ("fifo", "lifo", "all"): raise ValueError( "`duplicate_note_mode` must be one of 'fifo', 'lifo' and " "'all'." ) # Cast the array to integer if not np.issubdtype(array.dtype, np.integer): raise TypeError("Array must be of type int.") # Compute offsets offset_note_on = 0 offset_note_off = 128 offset_time_shift = 129 if use_single_note_off_event else 256 offset_velocity = offset_time_shift + max_time_shift if use_end_of_sequence_event: offset_eos = offset_velocity + velocity_bins # Compute vocabulary size if use_single_note_off_event: vocab_size = 129 + max_time_shift + velocity_bins else: vocab_size = 256 + max_time_shift + velocity_bins if use_end_of_sequence_event: vocab_size += 1 # Decode events time = 0 velocity = default_velocity velocity_factor = 128 / velocity_bins notes = [] # Keep track of active note on messages active_notes = defaultdict(list) # Iterate over the events for event in array.flatten().tolist(): # Skip unknown events if event < offset_note_on or event >= vocab_size: continue # End-of-sequence events if use_end_of_sequence_event and event == offset_eos: break # Note on events if event < offset_note_off: pitch = event - offset_note_on active_notes[pitch].append( Note( time=int(time), pitch=int(pitch), duration=0, velocity=int(velocity), ) ) # Note off events elif event < offset_time_shift: # Close all notes if use_single_note_off_event: if active_notes: for pitch, note_list in active_notes.items(): for note in note_list: note.duration = int(time - note.time) notes.append(note) active_notes = defaultdict(list) continue pitch = event - offset_note_off # Skip it if there is no active notes if not active_notes[pitch]: continue # NOTE: There is no way to disambiguate duplicate notes of # the same pitch. Thus, we need a policy for handling # duplicate notes. # 'FIFO': (first in first out) close the earliest note elif duplicate_note_mode.lower() == "fifo": note = active_notes[pitch][0] note.duration = int(time - note.time) notes.append(note) del active_notes[pitch][0] # 'LIFO': (last in first out) close the latest note on elif duplicate_note_mode.lower() == "lifo": note = active_notes[pitch][-1] note.duration = int(time - note.time) notes.append(note) del active_notes[pitch][-1] # 'all' - close all note on events elif duplicate_note_mode.lower() == "all": for note in active_notes[pitch]: note.duration = int(time - note.time) notes.append(note) del active_notes[pitch] # Time-shift events elif event < offset_velocity: time += event - offset_time_shift + 1 # Velocity events elif event < vocab_size: velocity = int((event - offset_velocity) * velocity_factor) # Sort the notes notes.sort(key=attrgetter("time", "pitch", "duration", "velocity")) # Create the Track and Music objects track = Track(program=program, is_drum=is_drum, notes=notes) music = Music(resolution=resolution, tracks=[track]) return music